
Upload And Files With Php

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  1. Php Upload Image
  2. Upload Large Files With Php
  3. Upload File With Php Ajax
  4. Bin File Upload Php
  5. Saving Files With Php
  6. Create Pdf Files With Php

In this article, I’ll explain the basics of file upload in PHP. Firstly, we’ll go through the PHP configuration options that need to be in place for successful file uploads. Following that, we’ll develop a real-world example of how to upload a file.

Configure PHP Settings

PHP 5 File Upload Previous Next With PHP, it is easy to upload files to the server. However, with ease comes danger, so always be careful when allowing file uploads! Uploading files with PHP (POST method), This article describes how you can upload files to your web server using PHP into a database, or saved in a directory.

There are a couple of PHP configuration settings that you'll want to check beforehand for successful file uploads. In this section, we’ll go through each and every option which is important in regards to PHP file upload. These options can be configured in the php.ini file.

If you're not sure where to find your php.ini file, you can use the php_ini_loaded_file() to locate it. Just create a PHP file on your server with the following line, and open it from the browser.

Here is an excerpt from a setup file with some useful defaults.

The Key Settings


The value of the file_uploads directive should be set to On to allow file uploads. The default value of this directive is On.


The upload_max_filesize directive allows you to configure the maximum size of the uploaded file. By default, it's set to 2M (two megabytes), and you can override this setting using the .htaccess file as well. Two megabytes isn't very much by today's standards, so you might have to increase this. If you get an error that file exceeds upload_max_filesize when you try to upload a file, you need to increase this value. If you do, be sure to also increase post_max_size (see below).


Sets a temporary directory which will be used to store uploaded files. In most cases, you don't need to worry about this setting. If you don't set it, the system default temp directory will be used.


The post_max_size directive allows you to configure the maximum size of POST data. Since files are uploaded with POST requests, this value must be greater than what you've set for the upload_max_filesize directive. For example, if your upload_max_filesize is 16M (16 megabytes), you might want to set post_max_size to 20M.


It allows you to set the maximum number of files that can be uploaded at a time. The default is 20, a sensible amount.


It's the maximum number of seconds a script is allowed to parse the input data. You should set it to a reasonable value if you're dealing with large file uploads. 60 (60 seconds) is a good value for most apps.


The memory_limit directive indicates the maximum amount of memory a script can consume. If you're facing issues during upload of large files, you need to make sure that the value of this directive is greater than what you've set for the post_max_size directive. The default value is 128M (128 megabytes), so unless you have a very large post_max_size and upload_max_filesize, you don't need to worry about this.


It's the maximum number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If you're facing issues during upload of large files, you can consider increasing this value. 30 (30 seconds) should work well for most apps.

Now let's build a real-world example to demonstrate file upload in PHP.

Create the HTML Form

Once you’ve configured the PHP settings, you're ready to try out the PHP file upload capabilities.

Our GitHub repo has some sample code which I'm going to discuss throughout this article. So, if you want to follow along, go ahead and download it from GitHub.

We’re going to create two PHP files: index.php and upload.php. The index.php file holds code which is responsible for displaying the file upload form. On the other hand, the upload.php file is responsible for uploading a file to the server.

Also, a file will be uploaded in the uploaded_files directory, so you need to make sure that this folder exists and is writable by the web-server user.

In this section, we’ll go through the key parts of the index.php file.

Let’s take a look at the index.php file on GitHub:

Although it may look like a typical PHP form, there’s an important difference in the value of the enctype attribute of the <form> tag. It needs to be set to multipart/form-data since the form contains the file field.

Toothpaste two font. How can the answer be improved?

The enctype attribute specifies the type of encoding which should be used when the form is submitted, and it takes one of the following three values:

Php Upload Image

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded: This is the default value when you don’t set the value of the enctype attribute explicitly. In this case, characters are encoded before it’s sent to the server. If you don’t have the file field in your form, you should use this value for the enctype attribute.
  • multipart/form-data: When you use the multipart/form-data value for the enctypeattribute, it allows you to upload files using the POST method. Also, it makes sure that the characters are not encoded when the form is submitted.
  • text/plain: This is generally not used. With this setting, the data is sent unencoded.

Next, we output the file field, which allows you to select a file from your computer.

Apart from that, we’ve displayed a message at the top of the form. This message shows the status of the file upload, and it’ll be set in a session variable by the upload.php script. We’ll look more at this in the next section.

So that sums up the index.php file. In the next section, we’ll see how to handle the uploaded file on the server side.

Create the Upload Logic

In the previous section, we created the HTML form which is displayed on the client side and allows you to upload a file from your computer. In this section, we’ll see the server-side counterpart which allows you to handle the uploaded file.

Pull in the code from the upload.php file on GitHub. We’ll go through the important parts of that file.

In the upload.php file, we've checked whether it’s a valid POST request in the first place.

In PHP, when a file is uploaded, the $_FILES superglobal variable is populated with all the information about the uploaded file. It’s initialized as an array and may contain the following information for successful file upload.

  • tmp_name: The temporary path where the file is uploaded is stored in this variable.
  • name: The actual name of the file is stored in this variable.
  • size: Indicates the size of the uploaded file in bytes.
  • type: Contains the mime type of the uploaded file.
  • error: If there’s an error during file upload, this variable is populated with the appropriate error message. In the case of successful file upload, it contains 0, which you can compare by using the UPLOAD_ERR_OK constant.

After validating the POST request, we check that the file upload was successful.

You can see that the $_FILES variable is a multi-dimensional array, the first element is the name of the file field, and the second element has the information about the uploaded file, as we’ve just discussed above.

If the file upload is successful, we initialize a few variables with information about the uploaded file.

In the above snippet, we’ve also figured out the extension of the uploaded file and stored it in the $fileExtension variable.

As the uploaded file may contain spaces and other special characters, it’s better to sanitize the filename, and that’s exactly we’ve done in the following snippet.

It’s important that you restrict the type of file which can be uploaded to certain extensions and don’t allow everything using the upload form. We’ve done that by checking the extension of the uploaded file with a set of extensions that we want to allow for uploading.

Finally, we use the move_uploaded_file function to move the uploaded file to the specific location of our choice.

The move_uploaded_file function takes two arguments. The first argument is the filename of the uploaded file, and the second argument is the destination path where you want to move the file.

Upload Large Files With Php

Finally, we redirect the user to the index.php file. Also, we set the appropriate message in the session variable, which will be displayed to users after redirection in the index.php file.

Upload File With Php Ajax

How It All Works Together

Bin File Upload Php

Don't forget to create the uploaded_files directory and make it writable by the web-server user. Next, go ahead and run the index.php file, which should display the file upload form which looks like this:

Saving Files With Php

Click on the Browse button—that should open a dialog box which allows you to select a file from your computer. Select a file with one of the extensions allowed in our script, and click on the Upload button.

That should submit the form, and if everything goes well, you should see the uploaded file in the uploaded_files directory. You could also try uploading other files with extensions that are not allowed, and check if our script prevents such uploads.


Create Pdf Files With Php

Today, we discussed the basics of file upload in PHP. In the first half of the article, we discussed the different configuration options that need to be in place for file upload to work. Then we looked at a real-world example which demonstrated how file upload works in PHP.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and feel free to post your queries and suggestions below!