
Alfred North Whitehead Adventures Of Ideas Pdf Printer

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BornFebruary 15, 1861
Ramsgate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, England
DiedDecember 30, 1947 (aged 86)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
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Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) was a British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. In collaboration with Bertrand Russell, he co-authored the three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910, 1912, 1913). Later he was instrumental in pioneering the approach to metaphysics now known as process philosophy, which today has found application in a wide variety of disciplines, including ecology, theology, education, physics, biology, economics, psychology, and media theory, among other areas.

Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, 1929/1978, DJVU. (Cover of different edition)

Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) was a British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. In collaboration with Bertrand Russell, he co-authored the three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910, 1912, 1913). Whitehead‘s philosophy of civilization, explicated in a number of places (Adventures of Ideas, Process and Reality, Modes of Thought ), is some of his clearest work. Paradoxically, it is the.

Modes of Thought, 1938/1968, ARG. (Cover of different edition)
  • 1Works
  • 2Literature

Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) was a British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. The Influence of Alfred North Whitehead on Eric Voegelin Alessandra Gerolin. 13 Alfred North Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas (New York: The Free Press, 1967), vii. Alfred North Whitehead Adventures Of Ideas Free. Alfred North Whitehead Adventures Of Ideas Free.

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  • UA, A Treatise on Universal Algebra: With Applications, Cambridge: The University Press, 1898. [1]
  • OCN, 'On Cardinal Numbers', American Journal of Mathematics 24 (1902), pp 367-394.
  • APG, The Axioms of Projective Geometry, Cambridge University Press, 1906.
  • MCMW, 'On Mathematical Concepts of the Material World', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 205 (1906), pp 465-525.
  • ADG, The Axioms of Descriptive Geometry, Cambridge University Press, 1907.
  • PM, with Bertrand Russell, Principia Mathematica, 3 vols., Cambridge University Press, 1910-13, HTML/1, HTML/2, HTML/3; 2nd ed., 1925/27, PDF/1, PDF/2, PDF/3; abridged as Principia Mathematica to *56, Cambridge University Press, 1962; 1963, IA/1, IA/2, IA/3.
  • IM, An Introduction to Mathematics, London: Williams and Norgate, 1911, HTML; Oxford, 1958.
    • Wstęp do matematyki, trans. Władysław Wojtowicz, Warsaw: E. Wende, 1914. (Polish)
    • Vvedenie v matematiku, Petrograd, 1916, 229 pp. (Russian)
    • Stærðfræðin, trans. Guðmundur Finnbogason, Reykjavik: Isafoldarprentsmidja, 1931. (Icelandic)
    • Einführung in die Mathematische, trans. Hans Mokre, Munich: Drei Masken, 1932. (German)
    • Introducción a las matemáticas, trans. Abel J. Ceci, Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1944, 277 pp. (Spanish)
    • Einführung in die Mathematik, trans. Berthold Schenker, Vienna: Humboldt, 1948, 222 pp; 2nd ed. as Eine Einführung in die Mathematik, Bern and Munich: Francke, 1958, 152 pp. (German)
    • Introdução à matemática, trans. Mário Silva, Coimbra: Arménio Armado, 1948, 210 pp. (Portuguese)
    • Introduzione alla matematica, Firenze: Sansoni, 1953; 1961, 187 pp. (Italian)
  • TRE, 'La théorie relationniste de l'espace', Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 23:3 (1916), pp 423-454. (French)
  • OT, The Organisation of Thought, Educational and Scientific, London: Williams & Norgate, 1917.
  • PNK, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge, Cambridge University Press, 1919; 1925; Dover, 1982.
    • Une enquête sur les principes de la connaissance naturelle, trans. Henri Vaillant and Sylviane Schwer, Mazy: Chromatika, 2007, xviii+281 pp. (French)
    • Ricerca sui principi della conoscenza naturale, trans. Giovanni Gignami, Milan: Lampugnani Nigri, 1972, xvii+189 pp. (Italian)
  • CN, The Concept of Nature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1920, HTML; repr., Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2004. Lectures delivered at Trinity College in Cambridge in 1919, within a series initiated by Edward Tarner (hence sometimes referred to as Tarner Lectures).
    • El concepto de naturaleza, trans. Jesús Díaz, Madrid: Gredos, 1968, 226 pp. (Spanish)
    • Il concetto della natura, trans. Massimo Meyer, Torino: Einaudi, 1975, x+178 pp. (Italian)
    • Pojam prirode, trans. Aleksandar Milenković, Belgrade: A. Milenković, 1989. (Serbian)
    • Der Begriff der Natur, trans. Julian von Hassel, Weinheim: VCH, 1990, 173 pp. (German)
    • O conceito de natureza, trans. Julio B. Fischer, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1994, 236 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Le concept de nature, trans. Jean Douchement, Paris: J. Vrin, 1998, 186 pp. (French)
    • A természet fogalma, trans. Levente Szabados, Budapest: Typotex, 2007, 201 pp. (Hungarian)
  • R, The Principle of Relativity with Applications to Physical Science, Cambridge University Press, 1922.
    • Le principe de relativité et ses applications en physique, trans. Henri Vaillant and Sylviane Schwer, Mazy: Chromatika, 2013, xxix+114 pp. (French)
  • SMW, Science and the Modern World, Cambridge University Press, 1925. Lectures delivered at Lowell Institute in Boston ('Lowell Lectures').
    • La science et le monde moderne, trans. A. d'Ivéry and P. Hollard, Paris: Payot, 1930. (French)
    • Wissenschaft und moderne Welt, trans. Gertrud Tschiedel and François Bondy, intro. Leopold Deuel, afterword & ed. Walter Robert Corti, Zürich: Morgarten, 1949, xxxv+283 pp. (German)
    • La ciencia y el mundo moderno, trans. Marina Ruiz Lago and J. Rovira Armengol, Buenos Aires: Losada, 1949, 253 pp. (Spanish)
    • De natuurwetenschap in de moderne wereld, trans. Jan van Rheenen, Utrecht and Antwerp: Aula-Boeken, 1951. (Dutch)
    • Ciência e o mundo moderno, trans. Alberto Barros, Lisbon: Ulisseia, 1953; new ed., 1964, 240 pp. (Portuguese)
    • Kagaku to kindai sekai [科学 と 近代 世界], trans. Ueda Yasaharau and Murakam Shido, Tokyo: Sogensha, 1954. (Japanese)
    • La scienza e il mondo moderno, trans. Anofio Banfi, Milan: Bompiani, 1959; Torino: Boringhieri, 1979, 237 pp. (Italian)
    • Nauka i moderni svet, trans. Aleksandar I. Spasić, Belgrade: Nolit, 1976. (Serbian)
    • Wissenschaft und moderne Welt, trans. Hans Günter Holl, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984, 258 pp. (German)
    • Nauka i świat nowożytny, trans. & intro. Maciej Kozłowski and Marek Pieńkowski, Kraków: Znak, 1987, 294 pp. (Polish)
    • Nauka i swiat wspolczesny, Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, 1988. (Polish)
    • Veda a moderný svet, trans. & intro. Ján Bodnár, Bratislava: Pravda, 1989, 333 pp. Incl. trans. of two chapters from Modes of Thought, 'Nature Liveless' and 'Nature Alive'. (Slovak)
    • La science et le monde moderne, trans. Paul Couturiau, Monaco: Rocher, 1994, 251 pp. (French)
    • A ciência e o mundo moderno, trans. Hermann Herbert Watzlawick, São Paulo: SP Paulus, 2006. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • RM, Religion in the Making, New York: Macmillan, 1926, HTML. Lectures delivered at Lowell Institute in Boston in 1926.
    • Le devenir de la religion, trans. Philippe Devaux, Paris: Aubier, 1926. (French)
    • Il divenire della religione, intro., trans. & notes Francesco Cafaro, Torino: Paravia, Giovanni Battista & c., 1963. (Italian)
    • De dynamiek van de religie, trans. & comment. J. van der Veken, Kapellen-Kampen: DNB/Uitgeverij Pelckmans-Uitgeverij Kok Agora, 1988. (Dutch)
    • Wie entsteht Religion?, trans. Hans Günter Holl, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1990, 128 pp. (German)
    • Religionens tilblivelse, trans. Niels Henrik Gregersen, Frederiksberg: Anis, 1995, 143 pp. (Danish)
    • Religia w tworzeniu, trans. Adam Szostkiewicz, intro. Józef Życiński, Kraków: Znak, 1997. (Polish)
    • Dinin oluşumu, trans. Mevlüt Albayrak, İstanbul: Alfa, 2001. (Turkish)
  • S, Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect, New York: Macmillan, 1927, HTML; repr., Cambridge University Press 1958; new ed., Fordham University Press, 1985. Delivered as Barbour-Page Lectures at University of Virginia, New York.
    • Il simbolismo: suo significato e sue conseguenze, intro., trans. & notes Francesco Cafaro, Torino: Paravia, Giovanni Battista, 1963. (Italian)
    • 'Le symbolisme, sa signification et sa portée', in Whitehead, La fonction de la raison et autres essais, trans. & intro. Philippe Devaux, Paris: Payot, 1969; Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2007. (French)
    • El simbolismo, su significado y efecto, trans. César Nicolás Molina Flores, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1969, 72 pp. (Spanish)
    • Simbolismo: o seu significado e efeito, trans. Artur Morão, Lisbon: Edições 70, 1987, 74 pp. (Portuguese)
    • Symbolismus, jeho význam a účin, trans. Vlastimil Zuska, Prague: Panglos, 1998, 92 pp. (Czech)
    • Simbolismo, Milan: Cortina, 1998, xvii+76 pp. (Italian)
    • Kulturelle Symbolisierung, trans. Rolf Lachmann, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2000. (German)
    • Süreç epistemolojisi bağlamında sembolizm, trans. Ramazan Ertürk, Ankara: A Yayınevi, 2000, 101 pp. (Turkish)
    • Sembolizm: anlamı ve etkileri, trans. Kadir Yılmaz, İstanbul: Şule Yayınları, 2009. (Turkish)
  • AE, The Aims of Education and Other Essays, New York: Macmillan, 1929; repr., 1959; Free Press, 1967, IA. Selection of lectures delivered between 1912 and 1928.
    • Los fines de la educación y otros ensayos, trans. Dora Ivniski, Buenos Aires: Paidos, 1957; 1971, 234 pp. (Spanish)
    • I fini dell'educazione e altri saggi, trans. Francesco Cafaro, Firenze: La nuova Italia, 1959, xxxvi+242 pp. (Italian)
    • Os fins da educação e outros ensaios, trans. Leônidas Gontijo de Carvalho, São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1969. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Eğitimin gayeleri, trans. Sofi Huri, İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi, 1971. (Turkish)
    • Les visées de l'éducation et autres essais, trans. Jean-Pascal Alcantara, Vincent Berne and Jean-Marie Breuvart, Mazy: Chromatika, 2011. (French)
    • Die Ziele von Erziehung und Bildung: und andere Essays, ed., trans. & intro. Christoph Kann and Dennis Sölch, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2012, 234 pp. (German)
  • PR, Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, New York: Macmillan, 1929, xii+547 pp; Cambridge University Press, 1929, xxiii+505 pp; corr.ed., eds. David Ray Griffin and Donald W. Sherburne, New York: Free Press, 1978, IA, OL. Gifford Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh during the session 1927-28.
    • Proceso y realidad, trans. J. Rovira Armengol, Buenos Aires: Losada, 1956, 474 pp. (Spanish)
    • Il processo e la realtà. Saggio di cosmologia, trans. Nynfa Bosco, Milan: Bompiani, 1965, 666 pp. (Italian)
    • A Key to Whitehead's 'Process and Reality', ed. Donald W. Sherburne, Indiana University Press, 1966, 263 pp, OL. Review: Ford (1966).
    • Proces i realnost: rasprava s područja kozmologije, trans. Slavko Paleček, afterword Muhamed Filipović, Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša, 1968, 524 pp. (Croatian)
    • 'Proces a skutočnosť', in Antológia z diel filozofov, 8: Pragmatizmus, realizmus, fenomenológia, existencializmus, ed. Ján Bodnár, Bratislava: Epocha, 1969, pp 507-552. Partial trans. (Slovak)
    • Prozess und Realität. Entwurf einer Kosmologie, trans. & afterword Hans Günter Holl, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1979, 665 pp. [2](German)
    • Procès et réalité: essai de cosmologie, trans. Daniel Charles, Maurice Elie, Michel Fuchs, Jean-Luc Gautero, et al., Paris: Gallimard, 1995, 579 pp. (French) Review: Bouckaert (1995).
    • Folyman és valóság: kozmológiai értekezés, trans. Fórisz Lászlo and Karsai Gábor, Budapest: Typotex Kiadó, 2001, 431 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Guo cheng yu shi zai: yu zhou lun yan jiu [过程与实在 : 宇宙论硏究], 2003. (Chinese)
    • Processo e realidade. Ensaio de cosmologia, trans. & intro. Maria Teresa Teixeira, Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia de Universidade de Lisboa, 2010, 439 pp. (Portuguese) Review: de Sousa & Morais (2012, EN). [3]
  • FR, The Function of Reason, Princeton University Press, 1929, HTML. Luis Clark Vanuxem Foundation Lectures delivered at Princeton University in March 1929.
    • 'La fonction de la raison', in Whitehead, La fonction de la raison et autres essais, trans. & intro. Philippe Devaux, Paris: Payot, 1969; Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2007. (French)
    • Die Funktion der Vernunft, trans. & ed. Eberhard Bubser, Stuttgart: P. Reclam, 1974, 79 pp. (German)
    • La funzione della ragione, trans. Francesco Cafaro, Firenze: La nuova Italia, 1958, xx+98 pp. (Italian)
    • La Función de la razón, trans. Lucila González Pazos, Madrid: Tecnos, 1985. (Spanish)
    • A função da razão, trans. Fernando Didimo Vieira, Brasilia: Ed. Universidade de Brasilia, 1985, 43 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • 'Funkce Rozumu', trans. Michal Andrle, Teorie vědy 32:2, Prague, 2010, pp 143-186. (Czech)
  • AI, Adventures of Ideas, New York: Macmillan, 1933; repr., New York: Free Press, 1967, IA. Collection of texts and lectures delivered at Darthmouth College in New Hampshire in 1926, at Bryn Mawr College in 1929-30 (chs. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8), at Columbia University in Mar 1932 (ch. 9), and at American Philosophical Society in Dec 1931 (ch. 11).
    • Aventuras de las ideas, Buenos Aires: Fabril, 1961, 308 pp. (Spanish)
    • Avventure d'idee, Milan: Bompiani, 1961, 376 pp. (Italian)
    • partial trans., in Antológia z diel filozofov, 8: Pragmatizmus, realizmus, fenomenológia, existencializmus, ed. Ján Bodnár, Bratislava: Epocha, 1969. (Slovak)
    • Abenteuer der Ideen, intro. Reiner Wiehl, trans. Eberhard Bubser, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1971, 523 pp. (German)
    • Aventures d'idées, trans. Jean-Marie Breuvart and Alix Parmentier, Paris: Ed. du Cerf, 1993, 392 pp. (French)
    • Dobrodružství idejí, trans. Zdeněk Bígl, Prague: Oikoymenh, 2000, 291 pp. (Czech)
  • Nature and Life, University of Chicago Press, 1934. Lectures delivered in the University of Chicago in 1933.
    • Naturaleza y vida, trans. & notes, Risieri Frondizi, Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1941. (Spanish)
    • Natura e vita, trans. G.M. Crespi, Milan: Bocca, 1951, 108 pp. (Italian)
    • Naturen og livet, trans. Lorentz Eckhoff, Oslo: Cappelen, 1959, 55 pp. (Norwegian)
    • Natura e storia, trans. Carlo Sini, Padova: RADAR, 1969, 182 pp. (Italian)
    • 'Nature et vie', in Whitehead, La fonction de la raison et autres essais, trans. & intro. Philippe Devaux, Paris: Payot, 1969; Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2007. (French)
  • MT, Modes of Thought, New York: Macmillan, 1938, HTML, OL; repr., New York: The Free Press, 1968. Six lectures delivered in Wesleyan College, Massachussetts, in 1937-38, two in the University of Chicago in 1933 (published earlier as Nature and Life), and one at Harvard in 1935.
    • Modos de pensamiento, trans. Joaquain Xirau, Buenos Aires: Losada, 1944, 199 pp. (Spanish)
    • I modi del pensiero, trans. Pier Aldo Rovatti, Milan: Il saggiatore, 1972, 251 pp. (Italian)
    • Denkweisen, ed., trans. & intro. Stascha Rohmer, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2001, 201 pp. (German)
    • Modes de pensée, intro. Guillaume Durand, trans. Henri Vaillant, Paris: J. Vrin, 2004. (French)

Selected works[edit]

  • ESP, Essays in Science and Philosophy, New York: Philosophical Library, 1947; New York: Greenwood Press, 1968, 348 pp.
    • Philosophie und Mathematik: Vorträge und Essays, trans. Felizitas Ortner, Vienna: Humboldt, 1949, 214 pp. (German)
    • Scienza e filosofia, trans. Ida Bona, Milan: Casa editore Il Saggiatore, 1966, 314 pp. (Italian)
    • Matematika a dobro a jiné eseje, trans. František Marek and Ladislav Hejdánek, afterword Ladislav Hejdánek, Prague: Mladá fronta, 1970, 124 pp. (Czech)
  • The Wit and Wisdom of Whitehead, ed. A.H. Johnson, Boston: Beacon Press, 1947.
  • A.N. Whitehead: An Anthology, eds. F.S.C. Northrop and M.W. Gross, Cambridge University Press; New York: Macmillan, 1953, OL.
  • D, Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Lucien Price, intro. David Rose, Little, Brown and Company, 1954. Recorded at his home in the years 1934-47.
  • Izbrannye raboty po filosofii [Избранные работы по философии], trans. A.F. Gryaznov, intro. M.A. Kisselja, Moscow: Progress, 1990, 716 pp. (Russian)


  • at Chromatika.org (DOC)



  • The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp, Northwestern University, 1941, xviii+745 pp. Also includes Whitehead's 'Autobiographical Notes' and lectures 'Mathematics and the Good' (1939) and 'Immortality' (1941). Review: Broad (1942).
  • Victor Lowe, Understanding Whitehead, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1962, xvii+98 pp. Review: Lawrence (1964).
  • Lewis S. Ford, The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics, 1925-1929, SUNY Press, 1984, 351 pp. Review: Wood (1985), Eslick (1986).
  • Victor Lowe, Alfred North Whitehead. The Man and His Work, 2 vols., Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985 & 1990, xi+351 & xi+389 pp. Biography. Reviews: Griffin (v1, 1986-87), Corrington (v1, 1987), Schlaretzki (v1, 1988), Griffin (v2, 1993). Commentary: Desmet (2007).
  • George L. Kline (ed.), Alfred North Whitehead: Essays on His Philosophy, University Press of America, 1989. [4]
  • Isabelle Stengers (ed.), L'Effet Whitehead, Paris: Vrin, 1994, 220 pp. Essays by J.-M. Breuvart, J. B. Cobb Jr, D. R. Griffin, D. Janicaud, B. Latour, I. Stengers, H. Vaillant, L. Vanzago. [5]. Review: Weber (1994, EN). (French)
  • Isabelle Stengers, Penser avec Whitehead. Une libre et sauvage création de concepts, Paris: Seuil, 2002, 582 pp. Focuses on his Process and Reality, Science and the Modern World, and Concept of Nature. (French)
    • Thinking with Whitehead, foreword Bruno Latour, trans. Michael Chase, Harvard University Press, 2011.
  • Timothy E. Eastman, Hank Keeton (eds.), Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience, SUNY Press, 2003. [6]
  • Michael Epperson, Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, Fordham University Press, 2004.
  • Janusz A. Polanowski, Donald W. Sherburne (eds.), Whitehead's Philosophy: Points of Connection, SUNY Press, 2004, xiii+220 pp.
  • Martin Kaplický, O estetických motivech ve filosofickém díle Alfreda North Whiteheada, Prague: Charles University, 2005, 52 pp. [7](Czech)
  • Didier Debaise, Un empirisme spéculatif: lecture de Procès et réalité de Whitehead, Paris: Vrin, 2006, 192 pp. (French)
    • Speculative Empiricism: Revisiting Whitehead, trans. Tomas Weber, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, xix+177 pp.
  • Steven Shaviro, Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics, MIT Press, 2009, 192 pp.
  • Keith Robinson (ed.), Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, 237 pp.
  • Pierfrancesco Basile, Leibniz, Whitehead and the Metaphysics of Causation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, 174 pp.
  • Rastislav Nemec, Náčrt Whiteheadovej procesuálnej filozofie, Trnava: Dobrá kniha, 2009, 184 pp. [8]. Reviews: Chabada (2010), Spišiaková (2011). (Slovak)
  • Michal Andrle, Whiteheadova filosofie přírody, Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2010. (Czech)
  • Ronny Desmet (ed.), Whitehead: The Algebra of Metaphysics, Chromatika, 2010. [9]
  • Ronald Faber, Andrea M. Stephenson (eds.), Secrets of Becoming. Negotiating Whitehead, Deleuze, and Butler, Fordham University Press, 2011.
  • Michael Halewood, A.N. Whitehead and Social Theory: Tracing a Culture of Thought, London: Anthem Press, 2011, ARG.
  • Nicholas Gaskill, A. J. Nocek (eds.), The Lure of Whitehead, University of Minnesota Press, 2014, 496 pp.
  • Roland Faber, Andrew Goffey (eds.), The Allure of Things: Process and Object in Contemporary Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2014. [10]


  • Concrescence: The Australasian Journal of Process Thought, since 2000.

Journal issues[edit]

  • Process Studies 11(4): 'Whitehead and Natural Science', ed. Dean R. Fowler, Winter 1981.
  • Process Studies 14(4): 'Whitehead and Other Philosophers', ed. Ernest Wolf-Gazo, Winter 1985.
  • Process Studies 15(2): 'Philosophy After Whitehead', ed. George R. Lucas, Jr., Summer 1986.
  • Process Studies 17(4): 'Whitehead and Education', ed. Donald W. Oliver, Winter 1988.
  • Process Studies 21(4): 'The Canadian Symposium on Whitehead's Metaphysics', ed. James Bradley, Winter 1992.
  • Configurations 13(1): 'Whitehead Now', eds. Steven Meyer and Elizabeth Wilson, Winter 2005. [11]
  • Revue philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger 131(1): 'Whitehead', 2006. (French)
  • Theory, Culture & Society 25(4): Special Section on Alfred North Whitehead, ed. Michael Halewood, 2008.
  • Teorie vědy 32(2): 'Whitehead', Prague, 2010. (Czech)
  • Process Studies 41(2): 'Whitehead and the Analytic Tradition', eds. Franz Riffert and Ludwig Jaskolla, Fall/Winter 2012. [12]

Book chapters, Papers, Articles (selection)[edit]

  • Max Bense, 'Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead', Die Philosophie, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1951, pp 86-104. (German)
  • Max Bense, 'Kosmologie und Literatur: Über Alfred N. Whitehead und Gertrude Stein', Texte und Zeiche: Eine literarische Zeitschrift 3:5 (1957), pp 512-525. (German)
  • 'Susanne K. Langer's Notes on Whitehead's Course on Philosophy of Nature', ed. Rolf Lachmann, Process Studies 26:1-2 (1997), pp 126-150. From 1927-1928 course.
  • Ján Bodnár, Na hraniciach filozofie a vedy, Bratislava: Veda, 2005, pp 189-203. (Slovak)
  • Michal Andrle, 'Život a dílo Alfreda N. Whiteheada', Teorie vědy 32:2, Prague, 2010, pp 187-225. (Czech)
  • Martina Chalupská, 'Whiteheadovo pojetí kosmu jako organické jednoty', Pro-Fil (2014), pp 120-133. (Czech)
  • Writings by Ronald Desmet.

Dictionary and encyclopedic entries[edit]

  • J.J. O'Connor, E.F. Robertson, 'Alfred North Whitehead', The MacTutor History of Mathematics, 2003.
  • Andrew David Irvine, 'Alfred North Whitehead', Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2013.


  • Introductions to Whitehead, at WhiteheadResearch.org


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The title of this book, Adventures of Ideas, bears two meanings, both applicable to the subject-matter. One meaning is the effect of certain ideas in promoting the slow drift of mankind towards civilization. This is the Adventure of Ideas in the history of mankind. The other meaning is the author's adventure in framing a speculative scheme of ideas which shall be explanato..more
Published January 1st 1967 by Free Press (first published 1933)
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Back at the Edwardian turn of the century, many Cambridge dons considered Alfred North Whitehead’s capacious mind to be one of the most prodigious of the entire younger set. Yet we rarely hear of him now..
Why’s that?
Well, for one thing, his humility was legendary. He never attracted attention to himself.
At Cambridge, when he and Bertrand Russell - Promethean thinkers, and just as unlucky - thought mankind could finally discover the unshakable foundation of mathematics in their Principia Mathema
For a philosophical treatment of the effect of ideas' on history and culture, this book was a veritable page-turner. I had read Part I probably over a year ago, and was all amped to continue, when the book disappeared from the living room coffee table. When it turned up last month in our black hole of a garage, I tore back into it, even though Blood Meridian was currently holding my interest, and, oh yeah, I was then living with a one-month old in my house. I tore into it and didn't stop until I..more
Jun 25, 2013

Alfred Whitehead Pdf

Peter Mcloughlin rated it really liked it
Shelves: 1890-1959, european-history, general-history, intellectual-history, philosophy, world-history, owned-books, 00000good-things
I like Whitehead. In his writing he comes off optimistic, liberal, humane, urbane and interesting. He seems like a good decent person. He I would guess believes in a very liberal form of Christianity. Like most decent and humane Christians he honestly tries to engage with modern science and the enlightenment. At the same time being an optimistic Christian I sense that he wishes for some divine purpose to the Universe an impulse almost universal to people. He is a liberal humane and scientifical..more
Brilliant at times. Utterly annoying at others. I enjoyed Whitehead's description of philosophy at the end of Chapter 6. He also seemed to possess some kind of prophetic power concerning the dangers of unbridled capitalism. Had I flipped ahead (or paid closer attention to the table to contents), I might've understood the significance of his seemingly senseless history of human civilization and his apologia for Hume and Plato. You have to harden yourself to the obviously Occidentalism in Whitehea..more
Jun 05, 2017Henry Sturcke rated it really liked it
This book is more ambitious than its title, which suggests a primer for youths interested in philosophy, might indicate. Then one comes to the final chapters and gains a full grasp of what the terms “adventure” and “ideas” signified for the author. Adventures of Ideas represents an integral part of Whitehead’s lifelong quest to reestablish metaphysics in a way that takes seriously challenges to previous metaphysics raised by sensationalist views of the human mind (Locke through Hume) and positiv..more
My only criticism is the old-fashioned ethnocentrism inherent throughout. On the whole, however, Whitehead was an amazingly progressive thinker whose perspectives, though often difficult and clothed in his own metaphysical terminology, are interesting and sometimes sublime.
Jul 23, 2013Dan rated it it was amazing
Shelves: high-rating, non-fiction, noted-writers, philosophy, reviewed
Alfred North Whitehead's 'Adventures of Ideas' of 1933 could be two separate books. Parts I and II ('Sociological' and 'Cosmological') show a fine thinker considering the history of ideas and the rise of civilization. There are interesting propositions on every page, presented with refreshing clarity of thought. It is not a fast read but is accessible.
Parts III and IV ('Philosophical' and 'Civilization'), perhaps except for the early chapters, are not for the general reader but rather for studen
Mar 29, 2016Roberto Rigolin F Lopes rated it it was amazing
Whitehead travels loose but deep within ideas supporting human understanding/control over nature and over ourselves. The fun here comes from his provocative argument often saying that civilization is composed by patterns of behaviour + emotion + belief but it also need adventurous actions (e.g., his own) to keep things evolving. To conclude that “religions are often more barbarous than the civilizations in which they flourish”. Go for it if you feel adventurous!
Wonderful book. It has a permanent place on my bookshelf.
My undergraduate degree in philosophy focused on Whitehead. This was prior to my own conversion. While I now am quite critical of Whitehead, I acknowledge him as an import modern thinker.
A Classical Whitehead- Style Book , with an amazing flow of ideas , Coherent contents. I really liked it.
Karisma Elien rated it really liked it
Feb 05, 2013
Ellen Schwartz rated it it was amazing
Jan 27, 2016
Sheikh Tajamul rated it really liked it
Nov 11, 2015
Danielle Doerr rated it really liked it
Jun 07, 2013

Alfred North Whitehead Biography

Sebastián Góngora rated it really liked it
Jun 18, 2016
Lauren DeDecker rated it did not like it
Mar 21, 2015
Joseph Mondragon rated it it was amazing
Jan 02, 2013
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Alfred North Whitehead Quotes

Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS (15 February 1861 – 30 December 1947) was an English mathematician and philosopher. He is best known as the defining figure of the philosophical school known as process philosophy, which today has found application to a wide variety of disciplines, including ecology, theology, education, physics, biology, economics, and psychology, among other areas.
In his early care